Meg is more than a trainer, she's a friend, confidante, and source of encouragement.  Meg and I started working out together when my youngest child was 2.  I was trying to find a way to put exercise back into my life in the midst of having a family with young children and a full time job. Meg was flexible and accommodating because she cared about my well-being.  We figured out a time that would fit into my schedule, and we've been working out together now for 6 years. I don't know what I'd do without Meg!


I’ve been working out with Meg for three years now, and I love every session! I’m an older woman, and she doesn’t cut me much slack when we’re working; however, she’s extremely careful to help me train in a way that’s perfect for me. Meg is always organized as far which muscle groups we’re going to work at every session, so there’s no waste of time while we’re on the clock.  Thanks, Meg, for helping me stay strong!
